Untitled Document
Untitled Document

Notices & Announcements

1st Semester classes

will be commenced

from 11.01.2021


External & Links




    A long cherished dream of Shivani Educational and Charitable Trust, SYNERGY took shape in the year 1999.At a     distance of 70kms. from the state capital Bhubaneswar on NH-55, well connected by Road & Rail, blessed with a     salubrious climate, adorned with the historic Temple, and surrounded by a cluster of mines,mega steel, aluminium &     power plants & has achieved to its credit 21 years of glorious track record.Synergy achieved the rare distinction of     Accreditation by NBA & NAAC(UGC),Govt. of India approved by AICTE and affiliated to BPUT.

    Synergy School of Engineering ,a sister concern of Synergy Institute of Engineering and Technology,was established in     2017.The Institute has come a long way in imparting professional education in the field of Engineering & Technology.     The journey has not been smooth but, the Institute has steadily progressed. The college has got the approval of All India     Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Govt. of India.The institute is also affiliated from State Council for Technical     Education & Vocational Training,Odisha.It is also affiliated to D.T.E.T,Odisha.



 Chairman's Message

Technology waits for none much like time & tide. Civilization has to keep pace with the technological development to be on the forefront of economic growth. Synergy School of Engineering has realized this need and is in the forefront of training its students for such challenges. At Synergy, the team of faculty, students and other staff members are determined to impart the latest technological knowledge through digital mode of teaching and learning process.Humble message to all student members of the Synergy family is that “Work hard for the threeyears of technical education and enjoy the next thirty years and kindly remember the reverse is devastating.”


  Binod Dash
  M.Sc., L.L.B
  (Chairman & Managing Trustee)


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