Central Library
A well-stocked computerized library having 47650 volumes is a hub of educational excellence.
We have been constantly & consistently endeavoring to procure the right as well as latest documents to meet the academic & carrier requirements and also achievement of our beloved students.

We have Open-Access systems where students are allowed to browse their documents through terminals it is quite easy to search their reading material.Documents are kept in the library as per International classification scheme and also follows AACR-2 cataloguing rules. The catalogue cabinet and computer system at the entrance of library to apprise the users for reflecting the stock of library.
The user can use the library from 8:00AM to 10:00PM in working days & 9.30am to 4.30pm on all Sunday & Holidays. The issue time for students can be from 11:00AM to 5:00PM.
Library has 6(Six) nos of employees out of which 3(three) are having professional qualification in Library & Information Science.
Maximum number of book that may be issued to various classes of borrowers of this institution is as follows:
- Each students:05 nos., Professor:10 nos.,Asst.Professor:8 nos. Lecturer:6 nos.,Instructor/ Lab.Asst./Programmer & Others :5 nos.
- A student may retain the borrowed books for a maximum period of 15 days.
- If a book is not return to the library when due,an overdue charge of Rs.1.00 per book for each day of delay shall be leived.
Library Facilities :
Current Status :
- Computerised Issue Return System
- Barcoding System Followed
- Current Awareness Services
- Online Database Search through Web
- All Class notes & questions and NPTEL mateials available to access through our Server (Digitial Library)
- 10 Nos of Computers with Internet Facilities in e-Library.
- Developing Digital Library through Dspace Open Source Software
- Member of DELNET to access 400 (nos) of full text engineering e-Journal from 1158 Journals articles, & 538 e-Books.
- The main library consists of 47650 volumes and 4991 Titles with the departmental break up given as follows:
TOTAL BOOK STATISTICS (B. Tech) As on Dt.31st.07.2024
S.N | Name of the Subject | No of Title | Volume |
1 | Basic Science & Humanities | 2316 | 12692 |
2 | Electronics & Telecomm. Engg. | 472 | 8022 |
3 | Mechanical | 675 | 8421 |
4 | Electrical | 340 | 5200 |
5 | Comp. & IT | 821 | 11862 |
6 | Civil | 367 | 1453 |
TOTAL | 4991 | 47650 |
S.N | Collection | Quantity |
1 | Journal | 25 |
2 | E-Journals | Access by DELNET & SPRINGER NATURE |
3 | Magazines | 16 |
3 | Newspaper | 11 |