Extra Curricular Activities
Honor & Awards:
Pratikshya Mishra(ECE) | 1st | Dist. Level Debate | World Forestry Day |
Khusubu Singh(CSE) | 2nd | Dist. Level Debate | World Forestry Day |
Sohail Satpathy (ECE) | 3rd | Dist. Level Debate | World Forestry Day |
Khusubu Singh(CSE) | 1st. | Dist. Level Debate | National Voters Day |
Abhisekh Aman (ECE) | 3rd | Dist. Level Debate | National Voters Day |
Pratikshya Mishra (ECE) | 3rd | Dist. Level Debate | Republic Day |
Pragnya Ipsita Devi (ME) | Runner Up | Governor Chancellor Cup | Inter University Pannel |
a. National Cadet Corps (NCC):

National Cadet Corps (NCC): The NCC Day was organized in the campus of SIET, Dhenkanal by the 12th Odisha BN NCC. Col. R.S.Nain, Commanding Officer graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. CMT Mr. Binod Dash and Dr. A.Sarangi, Director Academic were the Guests of honour on this occasion. The event got the opportunity of gathering a number of NCC cadets from Dhenkanal Autonomous College, Mont Fort School, B.B. High School, S.D Girls’ High School and Kendriya Vidyalaya, Dhenkanal in our premises. Nearly 150 cadets from the above Institutes participated in the parade. A demonstration of Rescue and Fast aid was performed by cadets of SIET. The stage closed its curtains by an awareness play titled “Save the girl child” performed by the cadets of S.D. Girls High School, Dhenkanal.
b. National Service Scheme (NSS):

National Service Scheme (NSS) : The Members of Synergy NSS wing have organised a helath & sanitation Camp at Naikula Goroda Pala of Gondia Block Dhenkanal, which was severly affected by flood. The volunteers distributed medicines, blankets & serve a community lumch. Also aware the villagers about the "Sanitation & Save the Girl Child".

Synergy NSS & Rotaract volunteers are in a social service camp with Jagabandhu Jarashrama volunteer at Bhuban under the leadership of Officer In-Charge of Synergy Rotaract club Mr. A.K.Jena. The sutdents volunteers have assisted the Jarashrama personel to identify the physical & mental disable persons with the help of doctors or VRCH & APC Almco. The student have participated on the opening ceremony & welcome Padmashree Dr. Tulasi Munda, Chief Guest of the function & other distinguished guest to the dias. Rotaract Gyneswari Jena has guided the programme/ The students have interaction with Dr, Tulashi Munda & are happy to work in the camp by registering the names of the disabled persons and helping the doctors to make programme successful.
c. Rotaract Club:

Rotaract Club : The member of Synergy Rotract Club are celebrating "THE INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S WEEK" & literacy month during the "ROTRACT WEEK" . at Rotary Club, Dhenkanal. In this occasion Rotractor Khusubu Singh, Ekata Singh, Swetalina Rath, Nibedita, Sweta Sucharita are delivering their excellent speeches on the subject "Weomen Empowerment" & "Literacy is the Way of Life". The Chief Guest of the evening Collector & DM, Dhenkanal had presented the Rotract Pin to the President, Synergy Rotract Club, Sankalpa Mishra & Guest of Honour, Chairmn Dist. Women & Girl Child Education Committee, Prof. Rajlaxmi Mohapatra has presented the Rotract Pin to Brahmotri Sahoo, Secretary, Synergy Rotract Club.
d. The Red Ribbon Club:

The Red Ribbon Club organised a blood donation camp. The club members and the Synergians are participated in the camp & donate blood for the service of society.
Honured : Our Security Officer Sri A.K.Jena, who is the Assistant Commissioner of St. John Ambulance Brigade, Odisha, is receiving the award from Mrs. Anjali Behera (Women and Child Development Minister) in "ODISHA DIVAS" for his commendable job in the filed of First Aid Service.
e. Annual Cultural Function (Synfest):

Annual Cultural Function (Synfest) : The College Cultural Committee organises annually various Cultural Activities under the name of " SYNFEST ", which is aimed at the overall development of the students as well as providing them an opportunity to interact amongst themselves and indulge in healthy competitions. For the past few years, it has been celebrated as an Intercollegiate Festival attracting a large number of students from all over Odisha.
f. Technical Associations & Clubs:
There are student bodies which encourage students for group activities towards innovative thinking.
There are different technical associations & clubs as follows :
" Electronics Hobby Centre " Robotic club
" Renewable Energy Club " Resonance Club
" Linux Club " Music Club
" Electrical Engineers Society " Society of Computer Science and IT.
" Mechanical Engineers Society " Electronics & Telecom. Engineers Society
" ISTE and faculty Chapter.